École Argyle Secondary
North Vancouver School District
Performing Arts - Drama

​DRAMA 8                                                                                                                       

Students will learn all about the imaginative world of drama! Students in this one term class will experience a number of short units including tableaux and movement-based work, such as mime, improvisation, and short skits.  Students will have the opportunity to perform for their peers and for the public in either a series of shorts scenes, or a one-act play. 


DRAMA 9                                                                                                                     

Drama 9 is a course for students who wish to take an introductory drama course. In this course, students will engage in activities and performances that will enhance their self-esteem, concentration, communication, imagination, creative expression and ability to cooperate in a safe, supportive atmosphere with their peers.  Students will create dramatic works both collaboratively and as an individual, using ideas inspired by imagination, inquiry, and purposeful play. Drama 9 emphasizes acting techniques, character development, improvisation, concentration, teamwork, speech, movement, mime, role-play and script work. Students prepare work to perform in class and in public, and a few assignments will require independent/group work outside school hours. Theatre discipline will be expected, and a mature approach to work in the theatre space is required for success in this course.


DRAMA 10                                                                                                               

Drama 10 is a course for Grade 10 students who wish to continue exploring their study in drama. Drama 10 is built upon the pillars of artistic perception, creative expression, aesthetic valuing, and historical and cultural content.  Coursework emphasizes acting techniques, improvisation, concentration, teamwork, speech and enunciation, mime, role-play and script work. Students work to develop their skills in focus, self-discipline, and responsibility in a safe, supportive atmosphere with their peers. Students prepare work to perform in class and in public, and a few assignments will require independent/group work outside school hours. Theatre discipline will be expected, and a mature approach to work in the theatre space is required for success in this course.


DRAMA 11                                                                                                                

Drama 11 expands the essential components of acting techniques, improvisation, concentration, teamwork, speech and enunciation, role-play and script work. Students work to advance their skills in self-discipline, responsibility, focus and motivation through preparing and performing theatrical works in class and for public performance. Assignments and performances will require independent/group work outside school hours. A professional approach to work in the theatre space is required with a high level of maturity being the expectation.  Grade 10 students wishing to enroll in this course must take Drama 10 as a pre-requisite.


DRAMA 12                                                                                          

Drama 12 polishes the essential components of acting techniques, improvisation, concentration, teamwork, speech and enunciation, role-play and script work. Students polish their skills in self-discipline, responsibility, focus and motivation through preparing and performing theatrical works in class and for public performance. This is the senior acting course and prepares students for post-secondary theatre programs and film studies.  Students should expect to complete a number of assignments which require independent work outside of school hours.  Students wishing to take this level must be aware they are required to assist with school productions to receive credit. These students are expected to provide leadership to less experienced members of the class. Occasionally, field trips will be available to students to give them the opportunity to see live theatre but will not be obligatory.



Students in this course will be providing leadership and guidance to junior students in their theatre class.  Student directors work under the guidance of the teacher, analyzing scripts and running rehearsals in class with groups they are directing. The senior student will have control over the artistic aspects of the production and will guide the junior students, sharing their knowledge from their own experiences in theatre. Strong inter-personal communication and/or writing skills are recommended for this course. This class will require the student to work outside of the timetable in order to prepare for their production and be present on the nights of the show.  Previous experience in Drama 11 is required; otherwise, an interview with the instructor will be mandatory for enrollment.​


Students in this course will be providing leadership and guidance to junior students in their theatre class.  Student directors work under the guidance of the teacher, analyzing scripts and running rehearsals in class with groups they are directing. The senior student will have control over the artistic aspects of the production and will guide the junior students, sharing their knowledge from their own experiences in theatre. Strong inter-personal communication and/or writing skills are recommended for this course. This class will require the student to work outside of the timetable in order to prepare for their production and be present on the nights of the show.  Previous experience in Directing & Scriptwriting 11 or Drama 11 is required; otherwise, an interview with the instructor will be mandatory for enrollment.



These courses are designed to integrate students within the Argyle Drama annual dramatic production(s).  Theatre Company is intended for students who want to perform: act, sing, and dance; whereas Theatre Production is aimed at students interested in the technical elements of production: lighting, sound, costume, props, set, makeup, etc. Theatre Company 10-12 and Theatre Production 10-12 are run concurrently after school. These courses are offered on the Semester model, meaning students may choose to enroll for half of the year (depending on Drama production schedule). If students choose to take these courses in both semesters they will only receive credit for one class.



This course is offered after school and scheduled to minimize conflicts with other performing arts programs. The primary focus of this course will be to prepare for and perform in Argyle Drama's annual production(s) for the school and community.  This course provides performing arts students with an opportunity to experience and develop their dramatic &/or musical and choreographic skills.  Emphasis is placed on ensemble playing and development of the voice.  Other highlights may include in-depth acting and movement training.  This course runs outside the regular timetable with specific afternoon/evening rehearsal schedules set on a year-to-year basis. Students enrolled in Drama 9-12 courses will receive preferential consideration for leading and supporting roles. 



Encore!  This course is offered after school and scheduled to minimize conflicts with other performing arts programs. The primary focus of this course will be to prepare for and perform in Argyle Drama's annual production(s) for the school and community.  This course further endorses higher level performing arts students with opportunities to experience and develop their dramatic &/or musical and choreographic skills.  Emphasis is placed on ensemble playing and development of the voice.  Other highlights may include in-depth acting and movement training.  This course runs outside the regular timetable with specific afternoon/evening rehearsal schedules set on a year-to-year basis.  NB. Students enrolled in Drama 9-12 courses will receive preferential consideration for leading and supporting roles. 



Encore!  This course is offered after school and scheduled to minimize conflicts with other performing arts programs. The primary focus of this course will be to prepare for and perform in Argyle Drama's annual production(s) for the school and community.  This course further endorses higher level performing arts students with opportunities to experience and develop their dramatic &/or musical and choreographic skills.  Emphasis is placed on ensemble playing and development of the voice.  Other highlights may include in-depth acting and movement training.  This course runs outside the regular timetable with specific afternoon/evening rehearsal schedules set on a year-to-year basis.  NB. Students enrolled in Drama 9-12 courses will receive preferential consideration for leading and supporting roles. 


THEATRE PRODUCTION 10                                                                                          

This course is offered after school and scheduled to minimize conflicts with other performing arts programs.  Theatre Production 10 is for students who want experience in the designing, building and running of: sets, props, lighting, sound, costumes, and make-up. Students will assistant stage-manage, house manage, and light and crew all theatre productions. Students in this course must be prepared to attend extra Tech rehearsals and all special rehearsals in the run-up to a performance as well as all performances. This course runs outside the regular timetable with specific afternoon/evening rehearsal schedules set on a year-to-year basis. 


THEATRE PRODUCTION 11                                                                                               

Encore! This course is offered after school and scheduled to minimize conflicts with other performing arts programs. Theatre Production 11 is for students who want experience in the designing, building and running of: sets, props, lighting, sound, costumes, and make-up. Students will assistant stage-manage, house manage, and light and crew all theatre productions. Students in this course must be prepared to attend extra Tech rehearsals and all special rehearsals in the run-up to a performance as well as all performances. This course runs outside the regular timetable with specific afternoon/evening rehearsal schedules set on a year-to-year basis. 



Encore! This course is offered after school and scheduled to minimize conflicts with other performing arts programs.  Theatre Production 12 is for students who want or have previous experience in the designing, building and running of: sets, props, lighting, sound, costumes, and make-up. Students will stage manage, assistant stage-manage, house manage, and light and crew all theatre productions. Students in this course must be prepared to attend extra Tech rehearsals and all special rehearsals in the run-up to a performance as well as all performances. Previous experience in Theatre Production 11 is required. This course runs outside the regular timetable with specific afternoon/evening rehearsal schedules set on a year-to-year basis. 


École Argyle Secondary

1131 Frederick Rd, North Vancouver, BC, V7K 1J3 | 604.903.3300 604.903.3301 | argyle@sd44.ca